Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Panda Puzzle, reviewed by Madianna R.
Ruth Rose, Dink, and Josh were going to the zoo. They saw their friend Officer Fallon . Someone from the zoo was talking about the panda when the mother panda ran out of her cave. She was headed to the fence, and boy she was mad, but why? The kids stayed after everyone was gone and looked for clues. Then they found a knife and a piece of bamboo. It looked sliced. The bamboo felt sharp, too. Officer Fallon walked over and asked what they had. The kids showed him the knife and bamboo. A zoo member told them that they should leave .So both Officer Fallon and the kids left.Then Ruth Rose remembered that she had it on tape. They watched the tape and saw that the mother panda looked up at the people on the stage. So they figured that it must of been someone on the stage, so they decided to interview the people. First they interviewed Irene Napper. She said she would never hurt an animal. Then they interviewed Tom Steele, and he seemed to not care. Then they interviewed Flip Frances who's grandmother loved pandas and used every penny from her savings to give to zoo. Then Flip gave them a ticket to go swimming for free. So later they went swimming and the lady told them when the lifeguard blows the whistle that means the adults get to swim. While the adults swam the kids searched the gym and found the baby panda. Then Flip found them in a dark place. They found a chute and Ruth Rose went down the chute and got Officer Fallon. The mystery was solved and Flip was given another chance.
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