Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Little House in the Big Woods, reviewed by Bianca B.

Laura Ingalls Wilder is a fabulous writer. I like her first book the best because it basically describes how it feels to be a pioneer. Also, it tells about all the things you would have to do. Little House in the Big Woods takes place in the pioneer days. It was rough back then. Laura and her family live in a log cabin. How would you feel if you lived in the middle of nowhere and had no friends? Laura also has a big sister Mary. She also has her ma and pa. I like pa the best because he always plays his fiddle, tells stories, and makes toys for the girls. My favorite story was "The Story of Grandpa and the Pig." My favorite part of the book was when all of the cousins came over for Christmas. The cousins’ names were Alice, Ella, and Peter. Also, Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Peter came. I think people who like learning about pioneers would like this book.

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