Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Team That Couldn't Lose, reviewed by Michael M.

The Team That Couldn't Lose is awesome because you get to read about the team that never lost until they played the football team the Elks. Chip on the team is a hard working person, he works hard to throw touchdowns.The problem the main character faces is losing to the Elks. This book is good for people who like football.

Falcons Feathers, reviewed by Donovan Y.

I think Falcons Feathers is mysterious because in the falcons nest there were only feathers. The main character likes to help animals. The main characters name is Josh. The mystery that needs to be solved is about falcons that disappeared. Josh found one of the falcons in bushes. I recommend this book to people who like mysterious things.

The Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins, reviewed by Devyn H.

The Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins is an adventurous book because it goes a lot of places like Virginia, Germany, and a house that is very old. This story takes place in Normandy, France 1944 – 2010. The main character is Scott Pendleton Collins. One problem the main character needs to overcome is to save a guy named Crockett, but he dies. I recommend this book to people who like adventurous books that go to a lot of places.

Basket Ball Bats, reviewed by Bianca B.

In this story a boy named Henry and his friends Rita, Jazz, Rocky, and Goose challenge a team named The Tigers to a basketball game.  The main character named Henry loves sports, but now he is not so sure because The Tigers cheat and his friends think he hogs the ball. Henry, Rita, Goose, Jazz and Rocky challenge The Tigers to three games, two out of three wins.  In the end, Henry and his friends win and they also come up with a team name called "The Bats."  I think kids who like basketball would like this book.

India the Moonstone Fairy, reviewed by Anisha K.

This amazing book is about a fairy named India who is in charge of dream magic. India is a fairy that helps guide people to find the moonstone. Jack Frost is made of ice.I know that is made up becuase people can't be made of ice. I recommend this book if you like faries.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Karate Countdown, reviewed by Preeti S.

This book is very motivating and is about karate.  The main character`s name is Kenny.   Kenny is always frustrated and mad because his mother died.   Kenny started karate and Sensei told him that there is a tournament coming up.   Kenny did not feel ready.   I think anybody who likes karate would   like this book.

We are Patriots, reviewed by Chase Z.

This book is about the Revolutionary War.  The people in this book live in Philadelphia when England attacks.  In this book I would describe the main character as very brave.  Her name is Hope.  Hope needs to overcome her dad going into the military.  She was scared that he'd get hurt.  I would recommend this book to people that like suspense!

Happy Birthday, Josefina! Reviewed by Anna G.

This book was amazing because Josefina saves lives and she is a 9 year old!  The story Happy Birthday, Josefina! takes place in the 1824. Josefina has a problem. Sombrita was about to die from a rattle snake bite.   Josefina picked up Sombrita and Mariana threw a rock at the snake, but she missed. The snake put its fangs on her, and bites her. Josefina threw the rock and the snake died. I recommend this book for people who would like to be a doctor. In this book Josefina leans how to save lives.

I Love Gymnastics, reviewed by Laurel A.

This book is about girls in gymnastics who do forward rolls and other kinds of activities.  There is not a main character but in the first paragraph it tells about Jessica and then it talks about other girls who do things in gymnastics.  Jessica does really not have a challenge, but you should always be careful in gymnastics never to force yourself.  If you like gymnastics you will like this book.

Swimming with Sharks Reviewed by Allissa D.

This book is really awesome because there are a lot of fun adventures. One example is when Rita’s friend Jazz gave Rita a nose plug because when she tried to do flip turns water went up her nose .In a competition, Rita forgot the nose plug  and did it without it. This book is about swimming and being true to yourself. The main character is Rita. I would describe her as a very hopeful girl. One challenge the main character faces is that her times are not fast enough to swim for the shark’s team. She’s a dolphin, In order to be a shark she also has to learn flip turns, but that is not easy for her. This book is for people that like swimming.  It is a really hopeful story about trying hard to achieve your goal, even when it gets rough.

Casey At The Bat reviewed by Jackson P.

If I gave a descriptive adjective for the picture poem Casey at the Bat, it would be interesting.  Casey is a good baseball player.  He is cool, and he is well known because the crowd kept  cheering when he stepped on the plate at the field.  At first, Casey couldn’t  hit the baseball , then he hit it , and he got out.   I would recommend  this book to my cousin Hayden because he plays and loves baseball.

White Water Courage, reviewed by Isabella F.

White Water Courage is about white water rafting and it was a little scary because Sarah fell overboard.   Christopher and his sister Sarah have traveled all the way to Australia to raft down the Franklin River with their Uncle Nathan.  Christopher is a little scared about going down the Franklin River.  If you are someone who likes sports or rafting, you should read this book.

Message in the Sky , reviewed by Luke. L

In this book, Corey goes to school and enjoys life knowing he is free from slavery .This book takes place on April 19, 1859 when the past weeks for Corey’s family have been very busy.  One of the problems Corey tries to overcome is from when he was a slave long ago he has to change his whole life and forget the past.  If you’re interested in history, this is the book for you.

Beagles, reviewed by Anderw C.

If you want to learn about beagles, then this is a good book to read.  At first the the  puppies eyes are closed. The pups do not know if it is night or day. Their ears are not fully grown either. They cannot hear their mother barking.  If you like dogs you would like to learn more from this book.

Westward To Home, reviewed by Justin M.

This book is a cool and    awesome book .The time in  history  was   1848.   The McCullough   family  is  on  the trail to  Oregon.   One problem   that  Josh  the main character,  needs to overcome  is  to  stop  being  afraid  on  the trail  to Oregon.  Many  people  died.  If  you  like  historical  fiction  this  might  be   the   book  for  you.

Meet Addy, reviewed by Sierra W.

Meet Addy is a sad story with a happy ending.  Meet Addy takes place in the past in 1864 during the Civil war.  The people in Addy’s  family are slaves, and they got split up.  They don’t have freedom.  If you want to learn more about Addy and her path to freedom you should read the American Girls series about Addy.


My book Into the Land of the Unicorns was fantastically exciting.  Cara, the main character, is very brave through her journey. She even jumped off the church roof to get to the Luster.  Two perfect examples of make believe in this book are that there are dragons and unicorns. There is a lot of make believe  in this story.  If you like reading really exciting fantasy books, then you will like this one.

Tonight on the great Titanic,rieviewed by Gabriella N

This story is about Titanic trouble with Jack and  Annie.  Jack and Annie are brother and sister and they go on exiting adventures!  The  magic tree  house brings them on the great Titanic.  Jack and Annie helped  Luicy  and  her  little brother  William and told them that they have hit an ice burg and to put their coats on.  If you like   Titanic books like me, this is a great book for you!!!     

The Great Railroad Race, reviewed by Anne G.

My book was very extraordinary.  My book takes place in 1868 during the Great Race to build the transcontinental railroad.  One problem the main character, whose name is Libby West, needs to overcome is judging people by the way they look before she gets to know them.  I recommend this book for people who like to read the diaries in the Dear America series.

Socks, reviewed by Alison S.

This book is descriptive.  It tells a lot of details about the cat, Socks.  The main character, Socks, is interesting because he plays with a new born baby in the family.  One of Socks main problems is that his human mom and dad are paying more attention to the baby and not to Socks.  If you like cats and families, then this is a good book for you.